I lost a lot of radio time today (on my day off, no less) trying to cure the problem of my AT-897 tripping relays and de-tuning during transmissions. A few months ago, RF chokes on the DC power cord and increased RF grounding seemed to improve the problem. At the time it was only occuring on the higher bands such as 10-Meters and 6-Meters. Recently, it has begun doing it again, with the problem extending to down to 20-Meters and 40-Meters.
I called LDG this afternoon and explained my problem. They advised me to package the unit up and return it to them, which I have done. I'll be interested to see how the problem is handled and how it works when it comes back.
Thus, I'll probably be off the air on HF for a few weeks... I'll see you on 6-Meters, 2-Meters, and 70cm.
Mac McCormick III, KF4LMT