16 October 2008

Boy Scouts Jamboree on the Air "JOTA" on October 18, 2008

This Saturday, Savannah area amateur radio operators will be at the Boy Scouts Camporee at Oglethorpe Speedway providing amateur radio stations and other radio related activities to support the Boy Scouts JOTA, or Jamboree on the Air. Some of us will be there Friday afternoon to help set up the stations and other equipment while other will join us on Saturday morning (18 October 2008) to get on the air.

We'll be using the special event callsign K4S, so listen out for us on the HF bands as well as 2-Meters. 2-Meter communications out from the JOTA will be on the 146.970 repeater, on site 2-Meter communications will be on 146.520. HF frequencies have not been predetermined, so look for us throughout the bands. In addition to getting the scouts on the air and helping them make contacts for their radio badges, we'll also be doing radio direction finding and educating them on the RF spectrum.

Personally, I'll be on the air sometime Sunday with my nephew Kaleb. He's a new Cub Scout and I'll be trying to get him some JOTA contacts from the home station, so please listen out for KF4LMT on Sunday.

Mac McCormick III, KF4LMT