This afternoon Philip, KA4KOE, Ralph W4REQ, Doug KF4EFP, and myself hung antennas at the Oglethorpe Speedway JOTA site and got two stations on the air. Murphy's Law was in full effect as several problems popped up while hanging antennas (line failures and equipment failures!). Philip also had some problems getting his "Green" radio up and running, but it did get going on 80-meters using his homebrew antenna. We also got my FT-897D up and running on a G5RV Jr. antenna.
Operating as K4S, we made a few contacts in the evening on 40-meters and 20-meters. On 40-meters we worked N2Y, another JOTA station in Syracuse, NY. On 20-meters, I got an initial signal check from the Maritime Mobile Service Net on 14.300 then worked K7P, the Cama Beach Special Event Station in Washington state followed by WD5JB and KE5SPE in Texas.
Mac McCormick III, KF4LMT