Last Saturday, I participated in an amateur radio special event station commemorating the 75th Anniversay of the CCC (Citizens Conservation Corps) and the Bacon Park Recreation Area. I was only able to stay from around 0900 to 1100, but I enjoyed my time there even though the bands seemed to be in poor condition. I think there were around 20 contacts made from 0900 to around 1400, mostly on 40 meters. 15 and 20 meters were both quite uncooperative.
The first task was to get a dipole up for 40 meters and a vertical up for other bands:
Mac - AF4KL, Guy - K4GTM, and Mac - KF4LMT
Ed - W4MMQ and Mark - KA4CID help hang the 40m dipole
Bill - K4WP and Kevin - WD0GFG get the vertical ready
Once the antennas were up and the stations assembled, it was time to make some contacts. As I mentioned above, band conditions on Saturday weren't all that good. 40 meters saw some success, but the higher bands like 15 and 20 meters were hit and miss.
Bill - K4WP trying to work 20 meters and Philip - KA4KOE working 40 meters
Bill - AD4AZ tries 20 meters
Kevin - WD0GFG working 40 meters with one of the students from the latest Technician Class License class