15 September 2009

JTFEX 09-4

As indicated by the article I posted previously, JTFEX 09-4 began today. I monitored some activity that may or may not be related to the JTFEX; further monitoring throughout the week should indicate whether it was or not.

4.372 USB - A link coordination net with stations DELTA, FOXTROT, MIKE, and NOVEMBER. NOVEMBER had a possible foreign accent but I never was quite able to place it. As mentioned in the article, there is participation from foreign navies in the JTFEX.

340.125 - CHILL 21 (B-52H) wkg STRIKESTAR (E-8C, 16th ACCS). I don't know if this is a new JSTARS discrete (a few new ones have popped up lately) or if it is an exercise frequency. I'm not even sure this was part of the JTFEX, it could have been a different exercise. Friends from Florida indicate that there is another exercise going on at Avon Park, possibly an Atlantic Strike type exercise.

In addition to those two frequencies, the following were also in use:

284.500 - SEALORD North Primary

225.725 - JSTARS Discrete
388.225 - JSTARS Discrete
395.150 - JSTARS Discrete

Mac McCormick III