The scanners moved to the left side of the station, all stacked on top of each other. On the bottom is a Uniden BC-895 programmed with ATC and airfield frequencies. Stacked on top of it is a Radio Shack PRO-2005 programmed with various conventional public safety, Federal, and search and rescue frequencies and a Radio Shack PRO-2006 programmed with military low band frequencies. Next is a Uniden BC-796 programmed with trunked systems and digital and analog frequencies. Topping off the stack are two Uniden BC-780s programmed with military aviation frequencies.
The amateur radio gear is located to the right side of the station. A Yaesu FT-897D doubles as both HF/6-Meter transceiver and as general coverage receiver for utility monitoring. A Yaesu FT-2800 provides 2-Meter capability and is also used for some VHF conventional monitoring.