17 January 2009

HF Antenna Problems Revisited

We have found out that the HF antenna does in fact work. Signals just aren't passed from the antenna to the radio very well when a dog has chewed the feedline in two. A mug shot of the offender is seen at the right!

This morning while doing some cleaning. a piece of chewed coax was found. It didn't take very long to assume that it could be the reason why the HF radios aren't working correctly. In short time, a gap in the HF antenna feedline was found behind a desk. Of course, the dog chewed through in a location that we would have to specifically be looking in order to find it - it is somewhat hidden.

It is safe to say that she has been thoroughly chastised and I have threatened to put 100 watts through her mouth should I catch her chewing the coax in the future...

After fixing thie feedline with a couple of PL-259s and a barrel connector, we put the FT-897D on the air and tried everything out. Using the North American QSO Party as a testbed, I worked 26 stations; 20 on 20-Meters, 20 on 40-Meters, and 6 on 80-meters. Everything is now working as it should.

Mac McCormick III, KF4LMT