07 June 2008

The 6-Meter Setup Works

I finally found made some 6 Meter contacts with the FT-897 and the JTB-4. They were local rather than DX contacts, but were good contacts none the less. After seeing some emails and hearing some QSOs on 2 Meters about how 6 Meters had been open the previous few days, I called CQ on 50.125 USB yesterday evening. This time, I was duly answered by Russ, K4YDG. We spoke for a few, then carried on a QSO after he went mobile. After dinner, I left the FT-897 on while monitoring some A-10 and AC-130 activity over Hunter AAF and Fort Stewart and heard Ken, W4JKG calling CQ. I answered and had a good QSO with Ken.

Hopefully my work schedule and 6 Meters' schedule will mesh and I'll be around for a band opening. Next up is to finally make a contact on 2 Meters SSB.

Mac McCormick, KF4LMT