21 April 2010

Space Shuttle Discovery Landing

Yesterday morning, I had hopes of getting a visual on the Shuttle Discovery as well as hearing it as it passed off of the Brunswick coast en route to landing at the Kennedy Space Center. Weather conspired against that attempt and it was scrubbed, leading to a 9:08 AM landing at the Space Center. The 9:08 landing path came across south Georgia well west of Brunswick, so I decided to still give hearing it a try. I set the BC-780 in the car on 259.700 AM and opened the squelch, a few minutes later I caught the first of 4-5 transmissions. None of the transmissions I caught were very strong, but they were quite readable. What I was hearing was about 1 second ahead of what was coming across the audio feed from NASA TV and an online scanner that Dan, KF4MND was providing via the 442.700 repeater in Savannah.

Mac McCormick III, KF4LMT