04 February 2009

Digital TV Transition Delay

Today, the US House of Representatives voted delay the Digital TV Transition from 17 February 2009 to 12 June 2009. CNN has story about the vote here.

According to the article, one of the reasons Republicans voted against the delay is that it "would prevent some emergency agencies from using their new communications systems." Call me a cynic, but I don't think that has anything to do with it. These agencies already have communications systems that they are using now. The real reason the Republicans don't like the delay, in my opinion, comes a few lines earlier in the story: "The Federal government raked in $20 billion by selling licenses for the frequencies being vacated by local television stations for other commercial uses."

A more valid argument that was mentioned in the article is completing the transition prior to Hurricane Season. With the transition in June, you have the transition and the beginning of Hurricane Season happening near simultaneously.

Another valid argument against the delay that I've heard is in regards to what it is costing the TV stations. Many TV stations are operating both analog and digital transmitters, which is increasing their operating costs in bad economic times.

Personally I wasn't unhappy with my analog TV, but then again I don't watch all that much TV.

Mac McCormick III, KF4LMT