23 September 2008

147.330 Repeater Relocation

The 147.330 (100 hz tone) has been relocated. It is now on the tower behind the WSAV TV studio on Victory Drive. This should be an outstanding location for the repeater, enabling handheld use throughout the city.

While doing some scanning this morning, I noticed some RF mixing on 164.400 that included output audio from the 147.330. Whenever the 147.330 was up, I could hear it's audio on 164.400 as well as audio from another unidentified RF source. The radio I was noting this on was the Uniden BC796, I didn't get the chance to see if I was hearing the same result on the Pro-2005. This morning also saw good VHF conditions, so I'll be interested to see if it was more a product of the morning's band conditions or the repeater move.

Mac McCormick III, KF4LMT