29 July 2008

Southeast Georgia 6 Meter Ragchew Net Returns

Last night, a group of amateur radio operators here in the Savannah area re-started the Southeast Georgia 6 Meter Ragchew Net. The net will meet each Monday night at 9 PM Eastern Standard Time. The primary frequency, for the time being, is 50.130 USB. Given the proximity to the calling frequency of 50.125 USB, this will likely be changed in the near future. The secondary net frequency, for use when the primary is occupied or unworkable is 50.200 USB.

Counting net control, there were seven stations checked in for last night's first attempt at re-starting the net. I handled net control duties, with the other stations checked in making relay calls for check ins. A variety of antenna types were represented, so I utilized both the JTB4 vertical and the MFJ-1764 dipole to pull everyone in. The check-ins for this first net were:

KF4LMT ~ Net Control

The Southeast Georgia 6 Meter Ragchew Net was WD0GFG's first 6 meter contact, one we were happy to provide!

One purpose of the net is to encourage the use of the 6 meter band in the southeast Georgia area, this was realized when several stations stayed on the air after the net conversing. Hopefully, as the net becomes established we will bring in more stations and generate some good activity on 6 meters here in southeast Georgia.

Thanks to the stations that checked in and made our inaugural net a success.

Mac McCormick, KF4LMT