02 July 2008

6 Meter E-Skip and the MFJ-1764 Works

Yesterday, I finally got the chance to put the MFJ-1764 6/2 Meter Dipole through its paces and see what it could do. It didn't do bad at all.

Early yesterday afternoon, 6 Meters began opening up, with E-Skip to the south and west of Savannah. I worked Cuba, Mexico, and Texas just after lunch. After working CO8LY in Santiago de Cuba for the second time in a month, I finally was able to work XE2WWW in Mexico.

I've heard XE2WWW several times over the last month, but was never able to make it through to him. The difference this time was the horizontally polarized MFJ-1764, the previous attempts were on the JTB4 vertical. I have to think that being horizontally polarized this time helped make the difference.

The E-Skip continued to work to the west through the afternoon with unsteady band conditions. Later in the evening, it shifted more toward the Midwest with more steady conditions and I worked Illinois, Iowa, Michicgan, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.

Mac McCormick, KF4LMT