06 September 2007

GADOD Gets Initial NAS Property

This article is from the GA DOD website; original URL is http://www.dod.state.ga.us/pages/nasproperty907r.html

The Georgia Department of Defense took the first step in the transition onto the Naval Air Station Atlanta property this morning during a ceremony marking the initial transfer of property to the National Guard. Lt. General David Poythress, Georgia’s Adjutant General, formally accepted the deed to 20 acres and three buildings. In the coming years, the National Guard will acquire the entire property including 106 acres and approximately 100 buildings for a total of more than 600,000 square feet. Facilities include hangars, classrooms, administrative space, and temporary billeting.

This transfer of property is believed to be the first in the nation for a successful resolution of property identified by the Base Alignment and Closure (BRAC) decision announced in May, 2005.

“Under the BRAC law, the National Guard was entitled to lay claim to the property, and with the concurrence of the Governor, I asked the DOD to convey this property to the Georgia National Guard,” General Poythress told the guests at the ceremony, including a number of political and civic leaders. “Today marks the culmination of that process, thanks to the hard work of many, many people.”

The Adjutant General used the opportunity to thank the Governor along a number of others who were instrumental in securing the property for the Guard, including U.S. Congressman Phil Gingery and Cobb County Commission Chairman Sam Olens. Both also took part in the ceremony

To mark the property transfer, Governor Sonny Perdue presented the Adjutant General a Georgia flag to fly over the new facility.

“Although bittersweet for us, this is a huge success for the Georgia DOD, Cobb County, and our local communities,” said Capt. Rick Cline, commanding officer of NAS Atlanta, before handing over the deed. “As this base transitions to the Georgia DOD presence, the transition will spark continued economic growth to our community.”

The first elements scheduled to move onto the property will be offices of the Adjutant General, the office of the Commanding General of the Army National Guard, the Directorate of Communications, and elements of the Regional Training Institute. The move is expected to take place over the next several months. By the time the transition is complete, some 1,500 drilling National Guardsmen will be based on the property.

The Georgia Department of Defense’ new state-of-the-art joint readiness center is also slated to be built on the property. The building will consolidate into one location the headquarters for the Georgia Department of Defense, the Georgia Army and Air National Guard and Georgia State Defense Force. Funding for the new center is listed in the 2008 federal budget and construction is scheduled to be complete in the next three to five years.