11 September 2007

ARES Simulated Emergency Test (SET): 6-7 October 2007

The Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) Simulated Emergency Test (SET) will take place on 6-7 October 2007. All amateur radio operators are encouraged to participate in the SET. It is an excellent time to gain and understanding of how ARES will operate during an emergency as well to gain experience and training in operating during an emergency.

If you are interested in participating, contact your County Emergency Coordinator. For Savannah and the surrounding counties, they are:

Chatham: David Delamater, K4DJD
Bryan: Kayton Smith, W4KTN
Effingham: Todd Hargrave, KD6RYQ

You should also be able to obtain more information during the ARES Net, Thursdays at 7 P.M. on the 146.970 repeater.