24 January 2007


Yesterday morning, I posted a "heads up" for ATLANTIC THUNDER activity. Hoping that they will continue the activity the rest of the week, here is a more detailed listing of frequencies and activity from this morning:

228.400 - Townsend Range Control; Fighters working JTACs
252.900 - Townsend Range Control; encrypted traffic from JSTARS
338.550 - Townsend Range; JSTARS wkg JTACs
388.225 - JSTARS Discrete; JSTARS wkg Fighters
376.125 - JSTARS Discrete; JSTARS interplane, encrypted traffic
355.250 - JSTARS Discrete; JSTARS simulated activity
381.000 - JSTARS Discrete; JSTARS simulated activity
372.150 - JSTARS Discrete; encrypted traffic
364.200 - AICC; JSTARS link coordination

Mac McCormick, KF4LMT