04 January 2009

Amateur Radio Kid's Day

As soon as I got home from work this afternoon, I checked HF conditions and tried to get my 7 year old nephew Kaleb on the air for Kid's Day. 20 Meters was still open, so I tried to hunt down some stations. Not hearing any, I started calling CQ and got three stations for Kaleb to talk to: W5HFS in Austin,TX, W1WWX in Orange, MA, and VE3ZYN in Toronto, Ontario. My father Mac (Jr.), AF4KL was showing Kaleb where he was talking to in an Atlas and giving him an idea of the distance to thoses stations.

I think Kaleb was pretty impressed with getting to talk to stations outside of the local area, particularly to Canada! Hopefully we're growing an interest in radio with him and developing another radio hobbyist...

Mac McCormick III, KF4LMT