31 August 2007

Effingham County ARES Meeting

Effingham County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ECARES) will be hosting a meeting on Tuesday, 4 September 2007 at 6:00 PM at Effingham Fire/Rescue Station 2 on GA Hwy 17 near Blue Jay Rd. Topics to be covered will be ARES support of Effingham and surrounding counties as well as increasing awareness of ARES, ideas for exercises, and training opportunities.

Talk-In will be on the 146.970 repeater for those unfamiliar with Station 2's location. You may also contact Todd Hargrave, KD6RYQ the Effingham County EC for more information. If you can't contact him via one of the area 2-meter repeaters or local nets, let me know and I'll pass your information along to him.

Mac McCormick, KF4LMT

MCAS Beaufort Aims to be a JSF Training Base


According to the Beaufort Gazette, Beaufort officials are working to base an F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program at MCAS Beaufort. If Beaufort is named a training base, that could mean that JSF's would be based there before the official 2013 roll out date.

The article stresses that MCAS Beaufort's proximity to area ranges and the off shore tactical system make it an excellent location for training. Townsend Range (228.400) and the TACTS Range offshore (301.000, 350.000, and more) are part of the training areas referred to.

Mac McCormick, KF4LMT

26 August 2007

Marine Response Thoughts

There is not a post on this incident on this blog, but I did post about it on the Scan Savannah group yesterday. Savannah Fire, SCMPD, and the USCG responded to a jumper on the Talmadge Bridge over the Savannah River.

I've mentioned this issue in posts in the Scan Savannah group before, but I don't think I've posted about it here. I am concerned about Savannah Fire and Emergency Services using a callsign that is a duplicate of a callsign that the Savannah Chatham Municipal PD has been using. Yesterday's Talmadge Bridge jumper incident brought it to my mind again. The callsign in question is MARINE 1, which Savannah Fire is using for their boat. SCMPD's Marine Patrol has used MARINE # for their Marine Patrol units for quite awhile (before Savannah Fire even acquired their boat). In order to prevent confusion in a multiple agency response (and to prevent longer callsigns by having to preface the callsign with an agency name), Savannah Fire should change the callsign of their boat.

Another issue I noted in yesterday's response to the jumper incident was communications between public safety and the US Coast Guard. It sounded like both SCMPD's dispatch (or the Marine Patrol) and Savannah Fire's dispatch were both talking to the USCG. Despite this, it was not communicated to the USCG prior to their helicopter's arrival on scene that the jumper was still on the bridge and not in the water (the USCG was initially told that there was a person in the water) even though the PD and Fire units knew that no one was in the water. This very well could have had tragic consequences because the helicopter came flying under the bridge looking for a person in the water while the jumper was still standing on the side of the bridge. In short, there should have been only one conduit of communications to the USCG and information should have been passed to them in a more timely manner.

Mac McCormick, KF4LMT

Two 165th Airlift Wing C-130s Deploy to Afghanistan


According to the Coastal Empire in Brief section of the Savannah Morning News, two C-130s from the 165th Airlift Wing in Savannah were to deploy this morning to Afghanistan. I was watching the Formula 1 Turkish Grand Prix this morning, so I missed their departure. I do know that DAWG 06 was not one of the aircraft deploying because it is working the pattern at Hunter AAF as I type this.

Mac McCormick, KF4LMT

25 August 2007

Military Monitoring Recap; 19 August - 24 August 2007

Finally, I've been able to get a Milcom Recap out in a timely manner. Hopefully this on-time one will be of more use for those of you monitoring or trying to monitor the military here in the Coastal Georgia area.


Hunter AAF
133.550 - Hunter AAF Tower
279.575 - Hunter AAF Tower
126.200 - Hunter AAF Base Ops
309.000 - Hunter AAF PMSV
32.350 - 3/3 AVN Ops
38.150 - B-169 AVN Ops
157.175 - USCG Air Sta Maintenance Control
345.000 - USCG Air Station Savannah
406.1625 - Tower/Base Ops
406.7625 - POL
415.1625 - Trans Alert

Savannah IAP/CRTC
120.400 - Savannah App/Dep
380.025 - Savannah App/Dep
125.300 - Savannah App/Dep
387.100 - Savannah App/Dep
118.400 - Savannah App/Dep
307.225 - Savannah App/Dep
119.100 - Savannah Tower
257.800 - Savannah Tower
225.750 - 165th AW Command Post
225.050 - 165th AW

Marne Radio/Fort Stewart
127.350 - Marne Radio
279.625 - Marne Radio

MCAS Beaufort
118.450 - MCAS Beaufort App/Dep
301.200 - MCAS Beaufort App/Dep
251.700 - MCAS Beaufort App/Dep
119.050 - MCAS Beaufort App/Dep
340.200 - MCAS Beaufort App/Dep
361.800 - VMFA-115 Base
339.500 - VMFA-115 Tac 1
228.200 - VMFA-312 Base
301.950 - VMFA-312 Tac 1
320.300 - VMFA-312 Tac 2

Charleston AFB
134.100 - PALMETTO OPS, Command Post
349.400 - PALMETTO OPS, Command Post
344.600 - PMSV

Shaw AFB
311.200 - 55th FS Ops "SHOOTER OPS"
141.900 - 55th FS V8
138.900 - 55th FS air-to-air

McEntire ANGB
298.300 - 169th FW "SWAMP FOX OPS"
125.125 - 169th FW V1
140.125 - 169th FW V17
141.925 - 169th FW V18
141.825 - 169th FW V19

Robins AFB
311.000 - BLACK KNIGHT CONTROL, Command Post

251.250 - 125th FW Maintenance/Ops
234.800 - 125th FW Aux 6
253.700 - 125th FW Aux 7
314.200 - 125th FW Aux 8
343.000 - 125th FW Aux 9

343.750 - Bulldog MOA
264.700 - Poinsett Range Control
269.000 - Gamecock D MOA

120.950 - SEALORD North Primary
284.500 - SEALORD North Primary
313.700 - SEALORD North Secondary
133.950 - SEALORD South Primary
267.500 - SEALORD South Primary
385.300 - W-157 Discrete
301.000 - South TACTS Range
350.000 - South TACTS Range

127.725 - DOUBLESHOT Primary
279.725 - DOUBLESHOT Primary
258.400 - DOUBLESHOT Discrete

TW-1/USS Eisnehower Carrier Quals
292.550 - USS Eisenhower Marsha
233.750 - unid, possible CD ###
290.500 - TW-1 air-to-air

140.150 - 23rd Wing air-to-air
251.250 - Hurlburt AFB CP
268.500 - VFA-143 air-to-air?
310.200 - NAS Jacksonville Base Ops
311.950 - VFA-87 air-to-air
371.350 - CPRW-11 Base

Air Traffic Control
269.550 - Jax Center Columbia Low
277.400 - Jax Center Brunswick Low
282.200 - Jax Center Jekyll Low
285.650 - Jax Center Statesboro High
322.500 - Jax Center Savannah Low
346.250 - Jax Center
351.700 - Jax Center Summerville High
363.200 - Jax Center Allendale Low
379.100 - Jax Center Charleston Low
273.600 - Atlanta Center
323.000 - Atlanta Center Macon
306.925 - Charelston App/Departure
255.400 - FSS

Coast Guard
157.050 - Marine VHF Ch. 21
157.100 - Marine VHF Ch. 22


Hunter AAF
ARMY 65005 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 65010 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 65017 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 65024 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 95134 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 95136 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 05184 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 15240 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 15269 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 15279 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 15281 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 15283 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 03757 - MH-47G, 3-160 SOAR
ARMY 26408 - MH-60L, 3-160 SOAR
ARMY 26416 - MH-60L, 3-160 SOAR
ARMY 26490 - MH-60L, 3-160 SOAR
SUNNY - RC-12N, 224 MI Bn
GUARD 295 - CH-47D, B-169 AVN
COAST GUARD 6533 - HH-65C, Savannah
COAST GUARD 6561 - HH-65C, Savannah
COAST GUARD 6575 - HH-65C, Savannah
ARMY 26489
COAST GUARD 6015 - HH-60
EVAC 48153
HUSTLER 40# - CH-53, HMH-772
NAVY HR 514 - SH-60,
NAVY LL 30 - P-3C, VP-30
PAT 253
PEACH 33 - E-8C, 330 CTS
PEACH 88 - E-8C, 128 ACCS
RAIL 20 - RC-12
REACH 875 - C-5

Savannah IAP/CRTC
DAWG - C-130H, 165 AW
GULF TEST - Gulfstream Test
GATOR 41 - F/A-18, VMFA-142
MOON 95 - T-1, 14th FTW
SALTY DOG 205 - T-45, VX-23

MCAS Beaufort
BLADE - F/A-18A+, VMFA-115
CHECK - F/A-18A+, VMFA-312
HAWK - F/A-18D, VMFA-533
COWBOY 1# - F/A-18, VMFA-112

Charleston AFB
IMPAC 98 - C-17
JAYHAWK 11 - KC-135, 184 ARW
REACH 4128
REACH 5144

McEntire ANGB
MACE - F-16CJ, 169th FW
VIPER - F-16CJ, 169th FW
DEMON - F-16CJ, 169th FW

Shaw AFB
MISTY - F-16CJ, 55th FS
STING - F-16CJ, 55th FS
VISOR - F-16CJ, 55th FS

FANG - F-15A, 125th FW
SNAKE - F-15A, 125th FW
RATTLER - F-15A, 125th FW

Robins AFB
JOSA 089

TW-1/USS Eisenhower Carrier Quals
CD 1## - T-45, VT-7
CD 2## - T-45, VT-9

BOLT 43 - KC-135, 6th ARW
CLAW 2# - A-10, 23rd Wing
DEECEE 32 - KC-135, 459 ARW
DOG 1# - F/A-18E, VFA-143
EVAC 99106
INDY 61, 434th ARW
NAVY LL 26 - P-3C, VP-30
PARTY 1# - F/A-18C, VFA-87
PAT 804
REACH 5107
ROKT 206 - VT-6
VIDAR 04 - S-3B, VS-22

Mac McCormick, KF4LMT

23 August 2007

Life Star Possibly Moving to Effingham County

According to an article in the Savannah Morning News, the Life Star medevac helicopter may be moving to a new base by the Effingham County Hospital.


Life Star is currently based out of a hangar at the Savannah International Airport (with dispatch located with MedStar dispatch at Memorial).

Mac McCormick, KF4LMT

21 August 2007

USCG News Release: Coast Guard Medevacs Fisherman

Note: This traffic was monitored on Marine VHF Ch. 21 (157.050) on Saturday. COAST GUARD 6561 and 6575 (HH-65C, Savannah) were both involved in the medevac.

Date: Aug. 18, 2007

SAVANNAH, Ga. - The Coast Guard medically evacuated a man suffering from a kidney stone while participating in a fishing tournament off the South Carolina coast Saturday.

Joseph Buie, 66, was participating in a fishing tournament on a 34-foot fishing boat 30 miles east of Hilton Head, S.C., when he started to experience severe pain from an existing kidney stone.

Buie's fishing party contacted the Coast Guard vie VHF radio and requested assistance. A Coast Guard helicopter in the vicinity from Air Station Savannah diverted to Buie to assist.

Buie was hoisted and brought to Hilton Head Air Port to awaiting EMS.

USCG News Release: Coast Guard Medevacs Fisherman

Note: This traffic was monitored on Marine VHF Ch. 21 (157.050) throughout the day Saturday. RESCUE 6575 (HH-65C, Savannah) was the helicopter involved.

Date: Aug. 18, 2007

SAVANNAH, Ga. - The Coast Guard rescued a missing diver approximately 40 miles east of St. Catherines Island, Ga., Saturday afternoon.

Brent Bryson, 45, of Hazlehurst, Ga., was spear fishing with friends when he became separated from the group. Bryson's friends immediately contacted the Coat Guard over VHF radio and requested assistance.

A boat from Coast Guard Station Tybee Island, Ga., and a helicopter from Coast Guard Air Facility Charleston, S.C., launched to search from the missing man. The aircrew from the helicopter spotted and hoisted the man in good condition. Bryson was brought back to Coast Guard Air Station Savannah.

20 August 2007

Charleston Fire Department Policy and Procdeure Review

While reading Mark Cleary's Lowcountry Listening Post today, I came across this article from Firehouse.com. Quotations from the article are in italics; all other comments are mine. This article really made me ask some questions (based on my knowledge of the Incident Command System and fire department monitoring experience) about how the Charleston Fire Department has operated in the past.

The mayor of Charleston, SC assembled a panel of fire experts (one of whom, Tim Sendelbach, is a former training officer with the Savannah Fire Department) to review the Charleston Fire Department's policies and procedures in the aftermath of the June 18, 2007 deaths of 9 firefighters in the Sofa Super Store fire. I have never had the opportunity to monitor the Charleston Fire Department and I am not all that familiar with their operations, but it sounds like they were a big city fire department using the operating procedures of a small town fire department. Throughout this post, I'll compare some of this panel's recommendations with how Savannah Fire and Emergency Services (an agency that is from a similar sized city) operates.

Among the panel's recommendations are:

Establish Fire Department Safety Officer position -- Fill with qualified officer on 6 month temporary assignment

Has the department been operating without safety officers on the fireground? I've heard Savannah Fire use safety officers for years. Safety Officers are an integral part of the Incident Command System. Have they not been using the Incident Command System? The fire service as a whole has seemed to take to the ICS more quickly than any other public safety service. Not only is the ICS a more efficient way of command and control, it is a major step toward interoperability.

Minimum of two dispatchers on-duty at all times

Given the size of Charleston, were they not operating the fire dispatch with more than one dispatcher at a time? Surely the Charleston department is a relatively busy one. Using one dispatcher to track multiple multi-unit incidents is inherently unsafe for the firefighters on the scene. Dispatchers are lifelines for public safety responders; overloading one not only makes their job more difficult, it also puts those on the other side of the radio from them in a more dangerous situation.

Communications changes including the elimination of 10 codes and the use of the tactical radio channel for responses

I don't see where 10-codes are all that much of a problem during a single agency response (was the Sofa Super Store fire a single or multiple agency response?); with training and experience, public safety personnel begin to think in their agency's 10-codes. On the other hand, if the incident response if composed of multiple agencies, plain talk should be used to eliminate code/signal confusion. Savannah Fire has been using plain talk for years now on both single and multiple agency responses.

I'm not sure that I understand fully the second part of this reccomendation. Has the Charleston Fire Department not been using tactical or fireground channels to coordinate on-scene actity? I can't believe that they haven't been using radios at all on the fireground. I have to interpret this as meaning that they were conducting their fireground communications on a channel used for other purposes. That is just as dangerous as a single dispatcher. If you have radio traffic from other incidents, dispatches, or administration on the same channel with your fireground operations you are asking for confusion. Confusion is dangerous and leads to mishaps. Savannah Fire department has utilized three fireground channels since Chatham County and Savannah began using an 800 Mhz trunking system.

Apply incident command procedures on all incidents (ICS -- NIMS procedures)

First arriving officer assumes command, performs size up and provides direction for all others
Safety Officer assigned for working fires and hazardous incidents

Rapidly implement personnel accountability system with passports and PAR

Provide training for all Fire Department members in firefighter safety and survival, risk management, air management, standardized actions for lost/disoriented firefighters, rapid intervention operations, objective-based tactical operations, and other critical firefighter safety procdures

The Incident Command System comes up again. This is something the agency should have at the most already adopted and at a minimum should have already been training for. This is a good time to note that basic ICS-NIMS training is required by DHS. ICS-NIMS training is even being required of Amateur Radio Emergency Service volunteers.

These are all things that I have heard Savannah Fire doing for years. They have operated using the Incident Command System for as long as I can remember. The first four of these recommendations pretty much describe how a Savannah Fire fireground operates: ICS is used, the first arriving officer assumes command until a higher ranking officer assumes command, a Safety Officer responds or is assigned by command, and PAR checks (personnel accountability reports) are done on a regular schedule to ensure firefighter safety.

These procedures are reinforced through regular training (which can be heard monitoring the department's training channel or fireground channels). Several of the volunteer departments in the Savannah area have been heard training with many of these procedures. I find it hard to believe that an agency the size of the Charleston Fire Department was not using these procedures!

Mac McCormick, KF4LMT

19 August 2007

Military Monitoring Recap; 1 August - 18 August 2007


Hunter AAF
133.550 - Hunter AAF Tower
279.575 - Hunter AAF Tower
126.200 - Hunter AAF Base Ops
32.350 - 3/3 AVN Ops
38.150 - B-169 AVN Ops
139.100 - 224 MI Bn air-to-air
157.175 - USCG Air Sta Maintenance Control
345.000 - USCG Air Station Savannah
406.1625 - Tower/Base Ops
406.7625 - POL
415.1625 - Trans Alert

Savannah IAP/CRTC
120.400 - Savannah App/Dep
380.025 - Savannah App/Dep
125.300 - Savannah App/Dep
387.100 - Savannah App/Dep
118.400 - Savannah App/Dep
307.225 - Savannah App/Dep
119.100 - Savannah Tower
257.800 - Savannah Tower
225.750 - 165th AW Command Post
225.050 - 165th AW

Marne Radio/Fort Stewart
127.350 - Marne Radio
279.625 - Marne Radio

MCAS Beaufort
118.450 - MCAS Beaufort App/Dep
301.200 - MCAS Beaufort App/Dep
251.700 - MCAS Beaufort App/Dep
119.050 - MCAS Beaufort App/Dep
340.200 - MCAS Beaufort App/Dep
361.800 - VMFA-115 Base
339.500 - VMFA-115 Tac 1
320.200 - VMFA-115 Tac 2
228.200 - VMFA-312 Base
301.950 - VMFA-312 Tac 1

Shaw AFB
140.350 - New 20th FW SOF?
273.700 - 77th FS "GAMBLER" Ops
143.800 - 77th FS V8
141.750 - 77th FS V9
141.675 - 77th FS V11
139.925 - 77th FS V12
138.950 - 77th FS air-to-air (was 20th FW SOF)
320.525 - 79th FS "SNAKE OPS"
138.150 - 79th FS V8
141.775 - 79th FS V10

McEntire ANGB
298.300 - 169th FW "SWAMP FOX OPS"
125.125 - 169th FW V1
140.125 - 169th FW V17

Robins AFB
293.525 - 116th ACW "PEACHTREE OPS"
276.075 - JSTARS Discrete
328.025 - JSTARS Discrete
376.125 - JSTARS Discrete
381.000 - JSTARS Discrete
388.225 - JSTARS Discrete
395.150 - JSTARS Discrete

251.250 - 125th FW Maintenance/Ops
234.800 - 125th FW Aux 6
253.700 - 125th FW Aux 7
314.200 - 125th FW Aux 8
343.000 - 125th FW Aux 9

228.400 - Townsend Range
252.900 - Townsend Range
343.750 - Bulldog MOA

120.950 - SEALORD North Primary
284.500 - SEALORD North Primary
313.700 - SEALORD North Secondary
133.950 - SEALORD South Primary
267.500 - SEALORD South Primary
385.300 - W-157 Discrete
301.000 - South TACTS Range
350.000 - South TACTS Range

127.725 - DOUBLESHOT Primary
279.725 - DOUBLESHOT Primary
258.400 - DOUBLESHOT Discrete
381.350 - DOUBLESHOT Discrete

138.175 - 174th FW V16
138.300 - 174th FW air-to-air
141.750 - 174th FW air-to-air
259.700 - NASA Air-to-Ground, Shuttle ENDEAVOUR
303.000 - unid air-to-air
328.550 - VMFA-142 Tac 1
344.600 - Charleston AFB PMSV
345.050 - VMFA-142 Tac 2
349.800 - Aerial Reufeling (AR-600 )
364.200 - NORAD AICC
371.350 - CPRW-11 Base

Air Traffic Control
269.550 - Jax Center Columbia Low
277.400 - Jax Center Brunswick Low
282.200 - Jax Center Jekyll Low
285.650 - Jax Center Statesboro High
322.500 - Jax Center Savannah Low
346.250 - Jax Center
351.700 - Jax Center Summerville High
363.200 - Jax Center Allendale Low
379.100 - Jax Center Charleston Low
273.600 - Atlanta Center
323.000 - Atlanta Center Macon
306.925 - Charelston App/Departure
255.400 - FSS

Coast Guard
157.050 - Marine VHF Ch. 21
157.100 - Marine VHF Ch. 22


Hunter AAF
ARMY 65017 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 95134 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 95136 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 05184 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 15269 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 15279 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 26189 - MH-60L, 3-160 SOAR
ARMY 26408 - MH-60L, 3-160 SOAR
ARMY 03748 - MH-47G, 3-160 SOAR
ARMY 03749 - MH-47G, 3-160 SOAR
ARMY 03761 - MH-47G, 160 SOAR
SUNNY - RC-12N, 224 MI Bn
COAST GUARD 6542 - HH-65C, Savannah
COAST GUARD 6553 - HH-65C, Savannah
COAsT GUARD 6561 - HH-65C, Savannah
COAST GUARD 6575 - HH-65C, Savannah
ARMY 23343
BASCO 60 - C-17, Charleston
BASCO 70 - C-17, Charleston
GUARD 26600 - UH-60L, 1-171 AVN
HUSTLER 405 - CH-53, HMH-772
HUSTLER 408 - CH-53, HMH-772
KING 15 - MC-130, 71st RQS
LOBO 46 - C-9
LOBO 348 - C-12
MAD FOX 02 - P-3C, VP-5
NAVY HR 507 (SH-60, HSL-48)
NAVY LL 30 - P-3C, VP-30
PEACH 88 (E-8C, 128 ACCS)

Savannah IAP/CRTC
DAWG - C-130H, 165 AW
GULF TEST - Gulfstream Test
NAVY JR 151 - C-20, VR-48
TROOPER 4 - Bell 206, GSP

MCAS Beaufort
BLADE 2# - F/A-18A+, VMFA-115
CHECK 6# - F/A-18A+, VMFA-312

McEntire ANGB
VIPER - F-16CJ, 169th FW

Shaw AFB
LUCID - F-16CJ, 77th FS
MOJO - F-16CJ, 55th FS
PEAK - F-16CJ, 77 FS
VEGAS - F-16CJ, 77th FS
GUNNER - F-16CJ, 79th FS
MADCAT - F-16CJ, 79th FS
TIGER - F-16CJ, 79th FS

FANG - F-15A, 125th FW
SNAKE - F-15A, 125th FW

BANDSAW - E-3, 964th ACCS backend
DEECEE 11 - KC-135, 459 AW
DRAGNET - E-3, 966th ACCS backend
FAST - F-16, 174th FW
GATOR - F/A-18, VMFA-142
NAVY HR 504 (SH-60, HSL-48)
NAVY LA 051 (P-3C, VP-5)
NAVY LL 65 - P-3C, VP-30
REACH 305T - C-5
SCOUT - E-3 frontend
ENTRY 40 - E-3, 964th ACCS frontend
SENTRY 60 - E-3, 966th ACCS frontend
THUMPER - E-3 backend
WIZZARD - E-8, Melbourne

Mac McCormick, KF4LMT

18 August 2007

The FANGs are Back

Welcome Back to the 125th FW!

The F-15s of the 125th Fighter Wing at Jacksonville, FL IAP are back from Oregon, where they took part in Exercise Sentry Eagle. They flew several sorties into W-157 off of the GA/FL coast this morning and afternoon.

FANG 01-04 were working with STEALTH (117th Air Control Squadron) on 350.000 and using 234.800 and 314.200 for air-to-air. SNAKE 01-04 were working with STEALTH on 301.000 and using 253.700 and 343.000 for air-to-air.

Mac McCormick, KF4LMT

Hurricane Dean

Hurricane Dean is now a Category 4 Storm and drawing a bead on Jamaica. By the time it reaches Jamaica, it could very well be a Category 5 Storm. With Dean's forecast track putting it in the Gulf of Mexico next week, NASA will be bringing the Endeavour back a day early in case there are evacuations in Houston (where Mission Control is). The Hurricane Watch net on 14.325 USB has been active over the last couple of days as Dean approached the Caribbean

Dean is also a very large storm, as seen in the IR satellite image below. Hurricane force winds extend out 70 miles from the center of the storm. Tropical Storm force winds extend out 230 miles from the center of the storm.

This is definitely a time to keep the people of Jamaica in our prayers.

Mac McCormick, KF4LMT

15 August 2007

Hooray JSTARS! Boo Encryption.

To butcher the Red Stripe Beer commercials... Hooray JSTARS! Boo Encryption.

I hadn't heard any JSTARS activity in quite awhile until Monday and Tuesday. STARGATE (E-8, 330 CTS) was active both days, although most of the activity was encrypted. On Monday, 138.575 (AM) was active with some voice traffic. Tuesday found 328.025, 381.000 and 364.200 (AICC) active with traffic from STARGATE.

Mac McCormick, KF4LMT

TS Dean Heading for the Gulf of Mexico

For now, it looks like the coastal Georgia area can breathe easier. It appears that Tropical Storm Dean will be heading for the Gulf of Mexico rather than turning more northerly towards the coast. We're still not out of the woods yet. Things are looking better, but it would still be prudent to watch the forecast for Dean over the next few days.

Mac McCormick III, KF4LMT

14 August 2007

Tropical Storm Dean

The first tropical storm we really need to keep our eyes on has developed in the Atlantic. Tropical Storm Dean is currently in the Atlantic Ocean and is forecast to be in the Caribbean Sea by Sunday. Here is the latest predicted track from the US Navy's NAVMETOCCEN:

According to the Crown Weather Services: "As for next week, the fact that many of the models are trending towards a brush with or landfall on the US East Coast is troubling and this is something to keep a very close eye on."

This storm is not something to worry about now, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to start thinking and planning ahead should it come our way. It would be a very good idea to start keeping good tabs on the predictions the end of this week and during the weekend. As far as the radio monitoring and scanning end of things, check out one of the Key Klix articles I posted earlier this year: Hurricane Monitoring - 2007.

08 August 2007

Space Shuttle Endeavour Launch

The Space Shuttle Endeavour launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida this evening at 1836 local time. I've had no luck monitoring HF communications using my indoor setup despite Al Stern's excellent postings on the email groups but I was able to get five good transmissions out of the UHF air-to-ground communications on 259.700:

"Two Engines...."

"Negative Return"

"Press to AG?"

"Single Engine...."

"Press to MECO"

This is about average for what I get from here in Savannah during a shuttle launch: five to six transmissions. There was a sixth transmission between "Single Engine..." and "Press to MECO" but it was quite garbled and I was unable to make it out.

Here's to Good Luck on the the STS-118 Mission.

Mac McCormick, KF4LMT

06 August 2007

Coastal Georgia MilCom; 15-31 July 2007


Hunter AAF
133.550 - Hunter AAF Tower
279.575 - Hunter AAF Tower
126.200 - Hunter AAF Base Ops
32.350 - 3/3 AVN Ops
38.150 - B-169 AVN Ops
157.175 - USCG Air Sta Maintenance Control
345.000 - USCG Air Station Savannah
406.1625 - Tower/Base Ops
406.7625 - POL
415.1625 - Trans Alert

Savannah IAP/CRTC
120.400 - Savannah App/Dep
380.025 - Savannah App/Dep
125.300 - Savannah App/Dep
387.100 - Savannah App/Dep
118.400 - Savannah App/Dep
307.225 - Savannah App/Dep
119.100 - Savannah Tower
257.800 - Savannah Tower
225.750 - 165th AW Command Post
225.050 - 165th AW
237.000 - Savannah CRTC CP
138.625 - Savannah CRTC CP
140.500 - 113th FS air-to-air

Marne Radio/Fort Stewart
127.350 - Marne Radio
279.625 - Marne Radio

MCAS Beaufort
118.450 - MCAS Beaufort App/Dep
301.200 - MCAS Beaufort App/Dep
251.700 - MCAS Beaufort App/Dep
119.050 - MCAS Beaufort App/Dep
340.200 - MCAS Beaufort App/Dep
361.800 - VMFA-115 Base
339.500 - VMFA-115 Tac 1
320.200 - VMFA-115 Tac 2
253.100 - VMFA-122 Base
283.400 - VMFA-122 Tac 1
354.325 - VMFA-122 Tac 2
228.200 - VMFA-312 Base
301.950 - VMFA-312 Tac 1
320.300 - VMFA-312 Tac 2
310.200 - VMFA(AW)-533 Base
299.300 - VMFA(AW)-533 Tac 2
348.825 - VMFA(AW)-533 Tac 3
256.250 - Operation Carolina Guardian Exercise freq
250.300 - Operation Carolina Guardian Exercise freq
258.900 - Operation Carolina Guardian Exercise freq
336.225 - Operation Carolina Guardian Exercise freq
305.800 - Operation Carolina Guardian Exercise freq
327.475 - Operation Carolina Guardian Exercise freq

Shaw AFB
381.300 - Shaw AFB CP
311.200 - 55th FS "SHOOTER" Ops
139.750 - 55th FS V10
143.425 - 55th FS V11
273.700 - 77th FS "GAMBLER" Ops
141.750 - 77th FS V9

McEntire ANGB
298.300 - 169th FW "SWAMP FOX OPS"
125.125 - 169th FW V1
140.125 - 169th FW V17
141.925 - 169th FW V18
141.825 - 169th FW V19
138.025 - 169th FW air-to-air

251.250 - 125th FW Maintenance/Ops
273.900 - 125th FW SOF
234.800 - 125th FW Aux 6
253.700 - 125th FW Aux 7
314.200 - 125th FW Aux 8
343.000 - 125th FW Aux 9

228.400 - Townsend Range
252.900 - Townsend Range
343.750 - Bulldog MOA

120.950 - SEALORD North Primary
284.500 - SEALORD North Primary
313.700 - SEALORD North Secondary
133.950 - SEALORD South Primary
267.500 - SEALORD South Primary
349.800 - W-157 Discrete
376.900 - W-157 Discrete
385.300 - W-157 Discrete
301.000 - South TACTS Range
350.000 - South TACTS Range
381.875 - North TACTS Range

127.725 - DOUBLESHOT Primary
279.725 - DOUBLESHOT Primary

USS Truman/CVW-3 Carrier Strike Group
3.167 - USS Harry S. Truman Hotel Foxtrot
289.650 - USS Harry S. Truman Marshal
235.550 - USS Harry S. Truman Strike
271.900 - USS Harry S. Truman Red Crown
273.350 - USS Harry S. Truman Hotel Zulu
278.150 - USS Harry S. Truman unknown
283.650 - USS Harry S. Truman Hotel Papa
242.125 - VFA-11 Tac
245.325 - unknown Tac
343.575 - unknown Tac
367.625 - VAW-126 Tac
225.350 - Pinecastle Range
289.200 - Pinecastle Range
322.700 - SILENT WARRIOR/Opfor

134.100 - Charleston AFB CP "Palmetto Ops"
138.350 - FAA "Flight Check"
228.225 - ANGEL OPS, 23rd Wing
251.600 - GIANT KILLER
271.400 - Sea Control Wing Atlantic Base
285.000 - FIDDLE, USN TSC Jacksonville
310.200 - NAS Jacksonville Base Ops
311.525 - VMFA-542 Tac
349.400 - Charleston AFB CP "Palmetto Ops"
360.500 - VMGR-252, AR with LUSTY AV-8Bs
371.350 - CPRW-11 Base

Air Traffic Control
277.400 - Jax Center Brunswick Low
282.200 - Jax Center Jekyll Low
285.650 - Jax Center Statesboro High
322.500 - Jax Center Savannah Low
346.250 - Jax Center
351.700 - Jax Center Summerville High
363.200 - Jax Center Allendale Low
379.100 - Jax Center Charleston Low
306.925 - Charelston App/Departure
255.400 - FSS

Coast Guard
157.050 - Marine VHF Ch. 21
157.100 - Marine VHF Ch. 22


Hunter AAF
ARMY 65005 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 65010 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 65017 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 95134 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 95136 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 05184 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 05222 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 15246 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 15280 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 15283 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 15284 - AH-64D, 3-3 AVN
ARMY 26189 - MH-60L, 3-160 SOAR
ARMY 26408 - MH-60L, 3-160 SOAR
ARMY 03746 - MH-47G, 3-160 SOAR
ARMY 03747 - MH-47G, 3-160 SOAR
ARMY 03748 - MH-47G, 3-160 SOAR
ARMY 03751 - MH-47G, 3-160 SOAR
ARMY 03752 - MH-47G, 3-160 SOAR
ARMY 03753 - MH-47G, 3-160 SOAR
ARMY 03755 - MH-47G, 3-160 SOAR
SUNNY - RC-12N, 224 MI Bn
GUARD 00249 - CH-47D, B-169 AVN
GUARD 00252 - CH-47D, B-169 AVN
GUARD 00295 - CH-47D, B-169 AVN
GUARD 00296 - CH-47D, B-169 AVN
COAST GUARD 6533 - HH-65C, Savannah
COAST GUARD 6542 - HH-65C, Savannah
COAST GUARD 6553 - HH-65C, Savannah
COAsT GUARD 6561 - HH-65C, Savannah
COAST GUARD 6575 - HH-65C, Savannah
KING 15 - MC-130, 71st RQS
MAD FOX 96 - P-3C, VP-5
NAVY AX 238 - C-130
REACH 796 - DC-10

Savannah IAP/CRTC
DAWG - C-130H, 165 AW
REACH A612 - C-130H, 165 AW
RACER - F-16, 113th FS
PUSHER(?) - unknown
SAM 1648

MCAS Beaufort
BLADE 2# - F/A-18A+, VMFA-115
NIKEL 3# - F/A-18C, VMFA-122
CHECK 6# - F/A-18A+, VMFA-312
HAWK 8# - F/A-18D, VMFA(AW)-533
MAD FOX 01 - P-3C, VP-5

McEntire ANGB
MACE - F-16CJ, 169th FW
VIPER - F-16CJ, 169th FW
DEMON - F-16CJ, 169th FW

Shaw AFB
CONAN - F-16CJ, 55th FS
NAIL - F-16CJ, 77th FS
POKER - F-16CJ, 77th FS
TIGER - F-16CJ, 79th FS

FANG - F-15A, 125th FW
SNAKE - F-15A, 125th FW
RATTLER - F-15A, 125th FW
VENOM - F-15A, 125th FW

USS Truman/CVW-3 Carrier Strike Group
BICEP - E-2C, VAW-126 frontend
CLOSEOUT -E-2C, VAW-126 backend
RIPPER - F/A-18F, VFA-11

BAMA - F-16, Alabama ANG
BANDSAW - E-3, 964th ACCS backend
BOLT - KC-135, 6th ARW
COAST GUARD 1707 - HC-130
DRAGNET - E-3, 966th ACCS backend
DIXIE - KC-135, 117th ARW
EVAC 50035
GATOR - F/A-18, VMFA-142
GOLIATH - E-3, 960th ACCS backend
GUARD 26601 - UH-60L, 1-171 AVN
JE 24R - P-3C
JE 30C - P-3C
LUSTY - AV-8B, VMA-542
NAVY LF 161 - P-3C, VP-16
OTIS - KC-130, VMGR-252
RULER - C-17, 172nd AW
SCOUT - E-3 frontend
SENTRY 06 - E-3, 960th ACCS frontend
SENTRY 40 - E-3, 964th ACCS frontend
SENTRY 60 - E-3, 966th ACCS frontend
THUMPER - E-3 backend
VANGUARD 24A - unknown
YETI - unknown (RTB Shaw AFB)

Mac McCormick, KF4LMT

05 August 2007

Lack of Blog Activity

I apologize for the lack of actitivy here over the last month or so. I have picked up additional duties and responsibilities at work over the last month and I'm just now getting adjusted to them. Hopefully I'll be getting back into the swing of posting regularly quite soon. Not only have I not been able to post regularly, I just haven't been able to listen regularly either.

I promise some updates over the next few days, including a milcom recap.

Thanks for your patience,
Mac McCormick, KF4LMT