What a great afternoon on the radio! I woke up around 3:30 PM this afternoon and headed out to get some early dinner: fried shrimp and clams from Jinrights in Brunswick. After eating, I headed out to Jekyll Island and took up a spot at one of the parking areas along North Beachview to operate the mobile/portable amateur radio station for awhile. I took advantage of the cooler weather today: the temperature was 74 F and the skies clear and blue.
I worked a few stations on 20 Meters before giving the station a test on 80 Meters by checking into the weekly Georgia ARES Net on 3.975:
- 9A5BS, Felix in Zagreb, Croatia
- OP2A, Ivo in Brussels, Belgium
- GM3UEG, Dave on Orkney Island, Scotland
After the net, I worked some more DX on 15, 17, and 20 Meters. I used the LDG897 tuner to tune the HVT400B's 15 Meter setting for 17 Meters and it worked good enough to make contacts with.
- YV5ZV, Victor in Venzuela on 15 Meters
- F6IGS, Gerry in France on 17 Meters
- FM5DN, Leon in Martinique on 17 Meters
- GS3PYE, Lawrence on Island of Harris in Scotland on 20 Meters
- IS0R, a DXpedition on Sardinia (20 Meters)
- ZW7R, a DXpedition on Restinga Island (Brazil) on 20 Meters
Mac McCormick III, KF4LMT