Yesterday, I reoganized the radio shack/monitoring post in an effort to clean things up a bit and fit in some new computer equipment. I bought a newer computer to run Ham Radio Deluxe and other radio related software more efficiently that how the old computer was. Everything is now working not only correctly but more quickly, helping me enjoy my radio time more.
For scanning and monitoring, there is a PRO-2005 for VHF/UHF conventional monitoring and BC796D for monitoring trunked and digital systems. For aviation and military monitoring, there is a BC895XLT for air traffic control and related frequencies, 2 BC780XLTs for military aviation frequencies (one for unit frequencies and another for operating area frequencies) and a PRO-2006 for low band FM. The two BC780XLTs and the PRO-2006 are stacked next to the LCD Monitor. Underneath the LCD monitor, from left to right are the PRO-2005, the BC796D, and the BC895XLT.
Mac McCormick III, KF4LMT